When and Why to Tighten Your Tracks

When and Why to Tighten Your Tracks

Maintaining the tracks on your Trailer Valet RVR12 ensures smooth maneuverability every time you hitch up your trailer. Here's a quick guide on when and how to tighten your tracks:

Why Tighten Your Tracks:
As you use your RVR12, it's natural for the tracks to stretch over time, especially after initial usage. Tightening them ensures optimal performance and longevity.

How to Tighten Your Tracks:
  1. Loosen the retaining bolt located on the track using a 14 mm socket wrench. Only a slight adjustment, about a half to a quarter turn, is necessary. Avoid attempting to remove the bolt.
  2. Insert a wedge implement, such as a flathead screwdriver, into the exposed tensioning notch nearest to the retaining bolt.
  3. Gradually tighten the track by moving the notch away from the retaining bolt.
  4. While maintaining tension, securely re-tighten the retaining bolt to keep the track in place.
Important Notes:
  1. Tightening the tracks is typically a two-person job to ensure proper tensioning and bolt tightening.
  2. Remember, over time, periodic track maintenance may be needed to keep your RVR12 operating smoothly.
By following these steps, you'll keep your Trailer Valet RVR12 ready for any towing task with ease and efficiency. If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.

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